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Elementary Education

We help prepare teachers of prekindergarten through fifth grade for diverse and inclusive educational settings, learning how to produce educational knowledge and apply it to benefit children, families, and communities.

Your student experiences include both face-to-face educational theory and practicum experiences, as well as a full-time student teaching period at the end. You will actively involve yourself in elementary classrooms where you observe, assist teachers, tutor individual children, work with small groups of children, and lead whole-classroom activities.

Degree Programs

Double Dawgs
Combined Bachelor's and Master's Degrees

Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd)

Master of Education (MEd)

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

  • MAT in Elementary Education

    Learn to work with children, families, and communities. Gain certification for grades prekindergarten through fifth with our M.A.T. in Elementary Education program.

  • MAT in Elementary Education (Gwinnett Campus)

    This version of the Master of Arts in Teaching program in Elementary Education at the University of Georgia is open to Gwinnett County teachers only. It is specially designed for these GaPSC provisionally certified teachers of record who seek initial teacher certification in grades PK-5.

Educational Specialist (EdS)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Faculty and Staff

Mariana Becker Assistant Professor
Bob Capuozzo Clinical Associate Professor
Morgan Z. Faison Clinical Associate Professor
Cheryl Fields-Smith Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Stephanie Jones Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor
Samuel Jorgensen Academic Advisor
Kyunghwa Lee Omer Clyde and Elizabeth Pharr Aderhold Professor
Sherell A. McArthur Associate Professor
Leslie Rech-Penn Clinical Associate Professor and Elementary MAT Program Coordinator
Emily Robinson Academic Advisor and Transfer Specialist
Elizabeth E. Saylor Clinical Associate Professor
Austin Knox Todd Academic Advisor
Beth Dekle Tolley Clinical Professor
Elizabeth (Beth) Wurzburg Clinical Associate Professor and Elementary Program Co-Coordinator

Contact Info

Program Coordinator: Elizabeth Wurzburg
630 Aderhold Hall 110 Carlton Street Athens, Georgia 30602
© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602