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School Psychology

Our program prides itself on offering our students access to faculty members with a diverse set of practical skills and research interests. Through this diversity, you will develop a broad knowledge base of school-based assessment, consultation, and intervention work. Doctoral students will also develop expertise within a certain area through involvement on a research team, completion of a thesis and dissertation, and coursework associated with their minor concentration.

Our School Psychology faculty dedicate a substantial amount of time and effort to our graduate students. When selecting students, we are not simply selecting individuals with who we will provide didactic instruction in the classroom, but students with whom we will spend many hours in and outside of the classroom perfecting their clinical and research skills in order to enhance the lives of children and the practice of school psychology.

Note that, for our doctoral program, most of our students do not have a master’s degree when they enter the program. You will complete a master’s degree as part of our doctoral program (but we are not a terminal master’s program). We do accept students into our doctoral program who have completed a master’s degree in related areas, and in these cases, it may be possible to complete the program in four rather than five years.

Degree Programs

MEd/EdS Professional Programs

  • EdS in School Psychology

    Earn certification as a school psychologist through our Educational Specialist program in three years.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Accreditation Information

The UGA School Psychology Ph.D. Program is accredited by the American Psychological Association and approved by the National Association of School Psychologists. Questions related to the program’s accredited status should be directed to the APA Commission on Accreditation:

American Psychological Association 750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Phone: 202-336-5979

The UGA School Psychology Ed.S. Program is approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission for school-based practice in the state of Georgia.

Video: UGA School Psychology Program

Current Students

Chandler Borel

Advisor: Sycarah Fisher

Karrah Bowman

Advisor: Ashley Johnson Harrison

Brianna Caldwell

Advisor: Sycarah Fisher

Hunter Cochran

Advisor: Stacey Neuharth-Pritchett

Maxine Covello

Advisor: Ashley Harrison

Libby Day

Advisor: Sycarah Fisher

Alissa Garguilo

Advisor: Scott Ardoin

Sydney Hamilton

Advisor: Sycarah Fisher

Sofia Hirt

Advisor: Stacey Neuharth-Pritchett

Carter Horvath

Advisor: Scott Ardoin

Keelie Hotchkiss

Advisors: Joel Ringdahl, Scott Ardoin

Grant Messman

Advisor: Anna Abraham

Chantal Mihailovic

Advisor: Amy Reschly

Miyhun Kim

Advisor: Michele Lease

Joy Mitchell

Advisor: Ashley Johnson Harrison

Mary Mitchell Morris

Advisor: Michele Lease

Laura Neher

Advisor: Amy Reschly

Rachael Pfanz

Advisor: Michele Lease

Lauren Remish

Advisor: Michelle Lease

Kimberly Resendiz Chavez

Advisor: Ashley Johnson Harrison

Rebecca Rodgers

Advisors: Rebecca Lieberman-Betz, Michele Lease

Madison Rodríguez

Advisor: Sycarah Fisher

Bridget Silvert

Advisor: Amy Reschly

Carolina Teague

Advisor: Stacey Neuharth-Pritchett

Sadona Thompson

Advisor: Kristen Bub

Danielle Vaughn

Advisor: Kristen Bub

Ashley Whitehead

Advisor: Stacey Neuharth-Pritchett

Student Organizations

Association of School Psychologists (ASP)

To advise the scholarly goals and professional interests of future school psychologists.

Faculty advisor: Scott Patrick Ardoin

Graduate Researchers in Educational Psychology

This organization fosters communication between graduate students and faculty in the Department of Educational Psychology and encourages active participation in projects relating to fields represented in the department.

Faculty advisor: Michele Lease

Faculty and Staff

Anna Abraham Professor
Scott P. Ardoin Professor
Michael M. Barger Assistant Professor
Kristen Bub Professor
Sycarah Fisher Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Ashley Johnson Harrison Associate Professor and Program Coordinator
Michele Lease Professor
Rebecca G. Lieberman-Betz Associate Professor
Jennifer H. Lindstrom Associate Professor
Sakhavat Mammadov Associate Professor
Stacey M Neuharth-Pritchett Senior Associate Dean
Chitra Pidaparti Clinical Assistant Professor
Amy L. Reschly Professor and Department Head

Contact Info

323 Aderhold Hall 110 Carlton Street Athens, Georgia 30602
© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602