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Science Education

We prepare future science teachers by combining an emphasis on the latest curriculum and teaching practice research, a study in an area of emphasis, and in-classroom experience. Our program aligns closely with national standards, including those from the National Science Teachers Association and the Next Generation Science Standards.

Internationally recognized for their research, our faculty are experienced, local science teachers. Many graduated from this or our other graduate programs, and they augment your learning through in-class experiences and mentoring.

Degree Programs

Double Dawgs
Combined Bachelor's and Master's Degrees

Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd)

Dual Degrees

Master of Education (MEd)

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

  • MAT in Science Education

    Graduates of this program earn initial teacher certification in a secondary science field (biology, chemistry, earth/space science, or physics, grades 6-12), in the context of master's degree studies and therefore at the T-5 (advanced) level.

Master of Arts (MA)

  • MA in Education (Science Education)

    This is a research-oriented degree that may be pursued by anyone interested in studying issues in science education at the graduate level, whether or not holding science teacher certification.

Educational Specialist (EdS)

  • EdS in Science Education

    Upgrade your teacher certification from the T-5 to the T-6 level in a science field (biology, chemistry, earth/space science, physics, "broad field" secondary science, or middle grades science).

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  • PhD in Science Education

    This program emphasizes broad and deep familiarity with the research literature in science education, and the development of skills necessary to make original and important contributions to research.

Doctor of Education (EdD)

  • EdD in Science Education

    Develop skills to make original and impactful contributions to science education with the doctor of education degree.

Non-Degree Programs

Certification-Only Programs

  • Certification in Science Education

    Earn your math teaching certificate in about a year through this non-degree program aimed at students with a background in math but not education.

Faculty and Staff

Emily Adah Miller Assistant Professor
Mary M. Atwater Professor Emerita
Daniel K. Capps Associate Professor
Yizhu Gao Assistant Professor
Georgia Wood Hodges Assistant Professor and MAT Coordinator
David F. Jackson Associate Professor Emeritus
Samuel Jorgensen Academic Advisor
Julie M. Kittleson Associate Professor and Department Head
Julie A Luft Athletic Association Professor of Science Education & Distinguished Research Professor
Deborah Tippins Professor Emerita
Xiaoming Zhai Associate Professor

Contact Info

105 Aderhold Hall 110 Carlton Street Athens, Georgia 30602
© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602