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Social Studies Education

We invite future teachers who are interested in making a positive difference in the world. Social studies education cultivates the ways students conceive of their own place in history, position in the economy, their effect in civic spaces, and their notions of belonging.

Along with learning effective strategies for teaching to middle and high school students, our programs explore several topics within social studies. These include:

  • History
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • Politics

Degree Programs

Double Dawgs
Combined Bachelor's and Master's Degrees

Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd)

Dual Degrees

Master of Education (MEd)

  • MEd in Social Studies Education

    With the M.Ed. in Social Studies Education, cultivate the ways in which students conceive of their own place in history, position in the economy, impact in civic spaces, and their notions of belonging. For this program, we seek teachers who wish to continue to refine their strategies for teaching about the rich complexities of the cultural world in the 21st century. The program consists of 36 hours of coursework culminating in a comprehensive examination. Depending on your school district, completion of this program may lead to a T-5 certification upgrade.

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

Master of Arts (MA)

  • MA in Education (Social Studies Education)

    The M.A. in Social Studies Education is for practicing teachers who are interested in getting deeper knowledge of the theories and practices embedded within social studies.

Educational Specialist (EdS)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Non-Degree Programs

Endorsement/Certificate Programs

  • Financial Literacy Endorsement and Certificate

    The Financial Literacy Endorsement is an add-on credential that allows certified teachers in Georgia the ability to provide direct instruction to students in their areas of initial certification. Teachers with the Financial Literacy Endorsement can support students in courses that center on financial literacy in grades 6-12.

Faculty and Staff

Todd Dinkelman Professor
Tianna Dowie-Chin Assistant Professor
H. James Garrett Professor and Graduate Coordinator for Social Studies Ed
Rebecca Cooper Geller Assistant Professor
Sonia Janis Clinical Professor and MAT Coordinator
Austin Knox Todd Academic Advisor

Contact Info

630 Aderhold Hall 110 Carlton Street Athens, Georgia 30602
© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602