Educational Psychology Minor
NOTICE: For Academic Year 2025 - 2026, EPSY 3500 (Psychology of Habit) will only be offered for the Fall 2025 semester.
NOTICE: EPSY 4310/6310, formerly named ‘Prevention and Remediation of Classroom Behavior Problems’ will be renamed to ‘Application of Behavior Principles for Prevention and Intervention in School and Related Settings.’ This will still be the same course.
This minor is open to all UGA undergraduates and majors.
The Educational Psychology Minor is designed to support students’ advanced understanding and application of the cognitive, sociocultural, emotional, and moral development of children and adolescents, as well as developmental issues in a wide range of educational contexts.
Students will gain in-depth understanding of the psychological theory, research, and principles of motivation as applied to instruction in informal and formal educational contexts. Development and motivation are examined through a cultural lens within a global multicultural context. Through required and elective coursework, students will learn how to use developmental science to better understand the foundations of child and adolescent development.
The Educational Psychology Minor is a natural complement for students interested in education, positive youth development, human services, various therapeutic and professional careers, and post-baccalaureate degree programs in disciplines such as psychology, education, and social services.
Required Courses: 6 hours
- EPSY 3200: Child Development and Teaching in the Sciences (3 hours) or EPSY 4011/6011: Foundations of Human Development for Education (3 hours)
- EPSY 4061: Motivation Foundations for Education (3 hours)
Elective Courses: 9 hours
Choose 9 hours from the following (3 hours must be upper-division coursework). Only 6 hours of research (i.e., EPSY 4960R-EPSY 4990R) can count towards the 15 hours in the Educational Psychology Minor.
- EPSY 2001S: Critical Thinking and Creative Problem-Solving for Life (3 hours)
- EPSY 3010: Child and Adolescent Development for Education (3 hours)
- EPSY 3500: Psychology of Habit (3 hours)
- EPSY 3600-3600L: Science and Practice of Health and Well-Being (3 hours)
- EPSY 4010: Research-Based Experiences in Educational Psychology (3 hours)
- EPSY 4020/6020: Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in the Classroom and Beyond (3 hours)
- EPSY 4070/6070: Prevention and Intervention with School-Age Youth (3 hours)
- EPSY 4170/6170: Educational Psychology of Race and Racism (3 hours)
- EPSY 4240: Abnormal Child Psychology (3 hours)
- EPSY 4310/6310: Prevention and Remediation of Classroom Behavior Problems (3 hours)
- EPSY 4320/6320: Psychology of Creativity (3 hours)
- EPSY 4960R: Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research I (1- 6 hours)
- EPSY 4970R: Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research II (1- 6 hours)
- EPSY 4980R: Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research III (1- 6 hours)
- EPSY 4990R: Undergraduate Research Thesis (or Final Project) (1- 6 hours)
- ERSH 4200/6200: Methods of Research in Education (3 hours)
- ERSH 4300/6300: Applied Statistical Methods in Education (3 hours)
- ERSH 4600/6600: Applied Educational Assessment (3 hours)
- EPSY 5110E: Characteristics of Gifted Children and Youth (3 hours)
- EPSY 5120E: Autism Spectrum Disorders (3 hours)