1908 Club
What can you get for $19.08 these days? It might be dinner or a round of drinks with your friends, but it can also be nearly a day’s worth of meals at Bolton Dining Hall, or the price of needed repairs for a student’s bike.
This is why we’ve created the 1908 Club. Inspired by the founding year of the College, the 1908 Club funds need-based aid for our students. Join the club with a contribution of $19.08 a month or $229 a year and you too can help keep some of our best and brightest students in school.
And, by being a member of the 1908 Club, you also get to enjoy benefits that come with being a donor to the College of Education.
Your Chance to Pay it Forward
The 1908 Club is a chance for you to stay connected to current students while also paying it forward. By supporting need-based aid, you’re directly responsible for keeping some of our best and brightest students in school and working toward their degree, all for the price of a dinner out with friends, or a few cups of coffee a month. It may seem like a small amount, but to a deserving student, it means a pathway to a career.
Be a member today!
Make your donation to join the 1908 Club.
Video: 'It's a way that I can still give back'
Alumni Board member Elesha Coons Scott talks about how scholarships helped her achieve her education—and why she gives back today because of that.