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Office of Undergraduate Advising

At the College of Education, our professional academic advisors will help you understand your options and opportunities for academic programs of study, degree requirements, academic resources, and course selection.

We will engage you in meaningful relationships designed to support and encourage a challenging and successful undergraduate education. We ask that you prepare for and participate fully in your advising experience.

Advising policies and procedures are subject to change, and although we can provide advice, you are ultimately responsible for knowing and understanding degree requirements and policies related to your academic progress. Advisors cannot provide a guarantee of graduation and/or certification within a specified period.

Faculty and Staff

Domane'k Blake
Academic Advisor
Jaime Caperton
Academic Advisor
Kalli A Drake
Academic Advisor
Lauren Flowers
Senior Academic Advisor
Samuel Jorgensen
Academic Advisor
Grace Little
Academic Advisor II
Gabriel Lopez Gutierrez
Academic Advisor
Teresa McClure
Academic Advisor
Emily Robinson
Academic Advisor and Transfer Specialist
Julian Williams
Laurie Zielinski

Contact Info

612 Aderhold Hall 110 Carlton Street Athens, Georgia 30602
© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602