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Conferences and Recurring Events

Alumni AwardsEvery year, our Distinguished Alumni Awards honors our graduates who, through their service, contributions, and accomplishments, bring distinction and honor to the College of Education and beyond.
Annual ConferenceThe College of Education’s annual conference is held in the Spring semester of each academic year. Our event brings together students, faculty, staff, and local community members to engage in thoughtful dialogue around issues of inclusion and belonging.
Georgia Children's Book AwardsThe Georgia Children’s Book Award was established in 1968 by Sheldon Root, professor in the Department of Language Education in the College of Education at the University of Georgia. The purpose of the award is to foster a love of reading in the children of Georgia and to introduce them to books of literary excellence.
Georgia Conference on Children's LiteraturePlanning for our 54th Georgia Conference on Children’s Literature! (March 22-23, 2024)
Graduation ConvocationA separate ceremony from UGA Commencement when degrees are conferred upon graduates, each semester the College of Education is proud to honor our graduating students at the Graduation Convocation.
Research ConferenceThis annual conference presents an opportunity for researchers to learn, engage, and interact with colleagues during sessions that have been developed to highlight the range of studies and interests across the College.
State of Education ConferenceThis one-day conference will include keynotes, breakout sessions, and discussions on several timely topics related to the State of Education in Georgia.
Torrance Center ConferencesThe Torrance Center Conferences take the form of mini-symposia, workshops, and discussions. These events are open to the community at large and feature expert perspectives from scholars, educators, artists, and entrepreneurs.
Torrance Festival of IdeasThis cultural festival is a platform where imaginative thinkers and professionals across fields of human enterprise present their visionary projects and innovative ideas to the general public.
Torrance Lecture SeriesThe E. Paul Torrance Lecture, sponsored by the College of Education’s Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development, annually brings scholars and creative artists to UGA to discuss issues related to creativity.
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