COE, Clarke School leaders visit University of Glasgow
A group that included College of Education Dean Craig Kennedy, Associate Dean for Academic Programs Laura Bierema and Director of the Office of School Engagement Janna Dresden visited the COE's partners at the University of Glasgow (UofG) in Scotland in March 2014. UofG is the primary partner in UGA's Study Abroad in Scotland, which is led by Tracy Elder, public service assistant in the dean's office.
The purpose of the trip was to expand the partnership, introduce COE leadership to the UofG faculty and leadership, and to bring Clarke County School Superintendent Phillip Lanoue into the partnership.
The group identified common areas for research, observed UofG's clinical model at schools, interviewed teacher candidates and university supervisors about the model, began discussions about potential collaboration on academic programming and developed plans for future faculty and student mobility.
During the trip, the group visited with administrators, faculty and students at Coatbridge High School in Glasgow.
UGA will host 16 UofG undergrad teacher candidates this fall in a 3-week visit which will include work with Clarke County School teachers and administrators.