Professor recognized for exemplary service by the Buros Center
George Engelhard, a professor in the department of educational psychology, was recently recognized for his many years of exemplary service as a test reviewer for the Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) series published by the Buros Center for Testing.

The Buros Center, a nonprofit housed in the department of educational psychology at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, is a premier research and resource center that aims to enhance the quality of tests and provide evaluation services to improve the science and practice of testing and assessment.
“Educational and psychological tests play a critical role in decisions made about individuals, and it’s important to review assessments to assure the fair, reliable and valid use of test scores to inform these decisions,” said Engelhard. “The Buros Center provides a context to improve the science and practice of testing by publishing timely evaluations of assessments to inform potential users of these tests.”
The cornerstone of the Buros Center’s publishing activities is the MMY series, which features timely, consumer-oriented test reviews to promote and encourage informed test selection.
Engelhard—along with 21 other reviewers recognized by the Center—contributed test reviews to at least 10 MMY volumes. They earned the Distinguished Reviewer status several yearbooks ago and have continued to demonstrate steadfast commitment to the Buros Center’s mission to improve the science and practice of testing.
“Peer review is an important part of scientific research, and many scholars receive little recognition for this important aspect of professional service,” said Engelhard. “New ways of recognizing peer review are needed to motivate scholars to participate in this important facet of science—peer review matters!”
Engelhard’s research is focused on a variety of topics including the role of assessment in improving educational processes; Rasch measurement theory; rater-mediated assessments; history of measurement theory; assessment of written composition; development of affective human characteristics; teacher assessment; and certification testing.
He is the co-editor of four books and author or co-author of over 150 journal articles, book chapters and monographs. Additionally, he serves on national advisory committees for educational measurement and policy for several states, including Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Washington.