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Russian Flagship Program receives renewed funding

The Immersion in the Russian Language, Culture, and Communities in the Baltics program intends to shift back to Riga, Latvia in summer 2023.

Exercise and sport science student receives 2022-23 Black Alumni Scholarship

The scholarship offers Zaria Hart (B.S.Ed. ’26), who plans on attending physical therapy school after graduation, the opportunity to focus on her studies rather than her finances.

Assistant professor selected for KAERA Early Scholar Program

Katie Koo was selected for a two-year program that provides mentorship and resources to early-career Korean American scholars.

College of Education graduate students and FACS interns collaborate on interprofessional education exercise

Graduate students in athletic training and speech-language pathology programs worked with dietetics interns.

Amazing Student: Rebekah Bobo

Rebekah Bobo (M.Ed. ’23) aims to make a difference as a speech-language pathologist.

Faculty members receive SACES awards

Three faculty members and one program received awards from the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.

Professor edits two-volume handbook

The two-volume handbook, “International Handbook of Research on Multicultural Science Education,” includes 61 chapters written by authors from around the world.

A shared experience

UGA aural rehabilitation group supports hearing loss community with tips and strategies.

Dyslexia video series co-developed by College of Education

Associate professor Kristin Sayeski developed content for the four-part video series.

Professor co-authors new policy brief to enhance elementary, secondary education

The National Education Policy Center recently released a policy brief by lead author Elizabeth DeBray, a professor in the College's Department of Lifelong Education, Administration and Policy.
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