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Book helps fuel student scholarship

​Ryan Neumann's book started as a challenge to himself. Now, it's a challenge for others.

Alumnus to be president of Southwestern Adventist University

COE alumnus Ken Shaw (Ed.D. '89) will become the 25th president of Southwestern Adventist University in Keene, Texas,

Project to train more counselors, reports

"UGA team receives $1.37 million grant to train behavioral health care counselors," headlines a story by

Alumna spotlight: Vasti Torres

College of Education graduate thinks critically (and lyrically)

Amazing faculty: Bettina Love

The assistant professor in educational theory and practice brings hip-hop into curriculum

Amazing student: Abigail Jackson

Undergraduate blends performance and practical use of the voice

Amazing student: Brooke Koblitz

Koblitz is a mathematics education student enrolled in a bachelor's/master's degree program

Amazing student: Matthew Madison

Matthew Madison's research has the potential to change the way students are assessed
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