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Neumann dedicates book sales to student scholarship

College of Education alumnus Ryan Neumann, an English teacher at Pope High School in Cobb County who won a national award for his 2013 book, "What Had Happened," has a really cool new idea. He is going to use proceeds from the sales of his book to fund a four-year college scholarship for some worthy student.

Neumann featured in American Profile

​College of Education alumnus Ryan Neumann (MEd '06), an English teacher at Pope High School in Cobb County who received a national award for his book What Had Happened, was featured in "Teachers with Class: Five Outstanding Educators" in the August 26 issue of the nationally syndicated ​*American Profile*.

Daigle receives national counseling award for vision, innovation

College of Education faculty member Jolie Daigle has received the 2014 Counseling Vision and Innovation Award from the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES).

Jones featured in Teachers College's Vialogues

College of Education researcher Stephanie Jones discusses her co-authored TC Record article, presented in the form of graphica.

Legislative aides get schooled in kinesiology

Two recent demonstrations for congressional staffers highlight research projects on concussions and muscle health.

Smagorinsky: Do criticisms of U.S. schools rely on distortions?

UGA Distinguished Research Professor Peter Smagorinsky discusses an interesting new book exposing the misperceptions and distortions about America's schools in an August 30 essay in the 'Get Schooled' blog of the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Discovery Dawgs, Thomas featured in Hartwell Sun

College of Education instructor Gretchen Thomas and her UGA service learning class in a middle school called Discovery Dawgs is featured in The Hartwell Sun.

Professor, student featured for work in Hart County High School

College of Education faculty member T.J. Kopcha and doctoral student Lenie George were featured in a Hartwell Sun story on their work with students in Hart County School in the Hart County Archway Partnership.

Schools take on new approach to bullying

With the new school year comes a new focus on bullying that could help schools stop the victimization before it starts, according to the College of Education's Safe and Welcoming Schools program.

Alumna featured on discussion of race

UGA alumna Courtney Jones-Stevens (AB '10, MEd '13), who has a UGA master's degree in student affairs administration, takes part in an online discussion on the cultural relationship between white gay men and black women on
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