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Archway fellowship allows professor to bring technology to rural Georgia communities

In fall 2014, COE faculty member Theodore J (T.J.) Kopcha was awarded a Public Service and Outreach fellowship with the UGA Archway Partnership. Kopcha is using his fellowship to extend his work with technology-enhanced learning.

Engelhard addresses Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Society

​George Engelhard, a faculty member in the Department of Educational Psychology, gave an invited address and held a workshop at the Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Society (PROMS) on August 6 in Guangzhou, China.

Zepeda named Routledge EOE Author of the Month

Zepeda named Routledge Eye On Education Author of the Month

Schultz, Kaplan submission named ASHA 2014 Meritorious Poster

A submission by Alisa Schultz, an assistant clinical professor, and Holly Kaplan, a clinical professor in the University of Georgia Speech and Hearing Clinic, has been recognized as a 2014 Meritorious Poster by the Convention Program Committee of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

Award-winning alumnus takes school reformers to task

UGA alumnus and award-winning Georgia educator Ian Altman (AB '04, MED '06) posts a blog in the August 14 *Washington Post* listing "seven things teachers are sick of hearing from school reformers."

Raczynski in ABH: Schools becoming safer for kids

"Schools are becoming safer and safer for kids," says Katherine Raczynski, director of the Safe and Welcoming Schools Project in UGA's College of Education in an August 10 Athens Banner-Herald story on a decrease in numbers of bullying and school violence incidents.

Smagorinsky: A sad scandal that should shame us all

The culture of accountability pressured school personnel to engage in blatantly unethical practices to create the appearance of learning, writes Distinguished Research Professor Peter Smagorinsky in an invited op-ed in the August 10 Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Smagorinsky: Bad student writers - You get what you pay for

University of Georgia Distinguished Research Professor Peter Smagorinsky writes a response to fellow academic Rick Diguette's recent essay on how ill prepared college freshmen are in writing in the July 28 issue of the _Atlanta Journal Constitution's_ "Get Schooled" blog.

Sayeski named editor of the journal Teaching Exceptional Children

Kristin Sayeski, an assistant professor of communication sciences and special education, has been named editor of TEACHING Exceptional Children (TEC), the peer-reviewed, practitioner-focused journal of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).

Smagorinsky: Educating the public on the public's terms

Distinguished Research Professor in Language and Literacy Education, encourages his fellow academics to consider the implications of working only within the echo chamber of journals, conferences and classes in a July 21 article on _Writers Who Care_, a blog published by members of the Commission on Writing Teacher Education, a working group of the Conference on English Educationr Continuing Education
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