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Maddox one of three receiving UGA's Bates Medal of Excellence

Candace Maddox, a program coordinator in the College of Education, was one of three people to receive the Leslie K. Bates Medal of Excellence during the multicultural services and programs Senior Leader Reception on May 9 at the Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries.

Kim's proposal one of six funded by new UGA interdisciplinary grant

A research proposal by ChanMin Kim, an assistant professor of learning, design, and technology in the Department of Career and Information Studies, is one of six projects funded through the University of Georgia's new Interdisciplinary Proposal Development program.

Love receives UGA's Michael F. Adams Early Career Scholar Award

Bettina Love, an assistant professor in educational theory and practice, has received the University of Georgia 2014 Michael F. Adams Early Career Scholar Award.

Smagorinsky: Muscogee teacher offers tough love, ground rules and great results

UGA Distinguished Research Professor Peter Smagorinsky writes another in his ongoing Great Georgia Teacher series in the May 8 edition of the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

COE helping lead UGA expansion of online education

The University of Georgia has dramatically expanded its online course offerings and degree programs, providing students the flexibility to complete their degree requirements more quickly and expanding access to undergraduate and graduate programs for working adults.

University Judiciary honors Jenny Penney Oliver

The University of Georgia Judiciary has renamed its annual celebration the Jenny Penney Oliver University Judiciary Recognition and Induction Ceremony in honor of the late former adviser, and College of Education faculty member Jenny Penney Oliver.

Zhang elected Fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology

James Zhang, a professor of sport management, has been elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology.

Art show to benefit Garnet Ridge afterschool on May 14

Art show to benefit Garnet Ridge afterschool on May 14

"Drawing Change: The ART of Teacher Education," a graphica art show featuring the collaborative work of art education doctoral student Jim Woglom and associate professor Stephanie Jones, will be held at the Taylor-Grady House on Wednesday, May 14 from 6-8:30 p.m. The art can be acquired by donations, all of which will go to benefit a Garnet Ridge community afterschool,program called The Awesome Clubhouse @ La Escuelita, which Jones helped create.

Drawing Change: The ART of Teacher Education

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