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Study shows strong teachers' unions preserve education spending

States with collective bargaining for teachers experienced substantially smaller drops in teacher salaries after the Great Recession, according to a new study.

Amazing Student: Kristian Joi Walker

Walker's passion is to create equal access to educational opportunity and lead a fight against illiteracy while inspiring children.

A love for community, educating and good music

This month's amazing student is Parker Nail, who is a social studies education Double Dawg and plans to teach high school history.

Dean Spangler receives 2019 Alumni of Distinction Award from UGA

The University of Georgia Graduate School honored 10 graduates for achieving exceptional success in their professional careers and in service to their community.

Leaving a footprint in the Latinx community

Two doctoral candidates—Marlaine Monroig Garcia and Rebekah Ingram Estevez—were honored at the 2019 National Latinx Psychological Association conference in Miami, Florida.

Assistant professor named 2019 Psychonomic Society Fellow

Logan Fiorella, assistant professor in the department of educational psychology, was one of 22 outstanding scientists recently selected to join the 2019 Fall Class of Fellows of the Psychonomic Society.

Professor receives 2019 AESA Lifetime Achievement Award

Cynthia Dillard was recently awarded the 2019 Taylor & Francis Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Foundations of Education by the American Educational Studies Association.

Finding strength in the 'connection between mind and body'

This month's amazing student is Megan Foltz, who is studying exercise and sport science and plans to become a physician's assistant.

Interdisciplinary students work together to serve children with complex needs

Over the course of two days, graduate students in the PIPs program, as well as students from affiliated universities, worked together to support young children with high-intensity needs.

Research through community service

Two kinesiology professors are the first to publish research on the comparison of youth tackle and flag football head impact biomechanics.
© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602