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Associate dean honored with career award

The National Latina/o Psychological Association will give the 2018 NLPA Distinguished Professional Career Award to Edward Delgado-Romero.

Study links weather safety training from teacher workshop to students' homes

In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers draw a line between increased awareness by teachers and better prepared families

Class benefits pre-health students, disabled community members

'Disability Wellness' offers hands-on training while helping people reach health goals.

Alumna featured in Forbes for mental health podcast

Joy Bradford, an alumna of the College of Education and a licensed psychologist, was recently featured on to discuss her mental health podcast and passion for promoting mental wellness in black women.

Gift supports graduate certificate in dyslexia

The Zeist Foundation helps educators and clinicians gain a deeper understanding of reading development.

Professor lends expertise on how bias becomes bullying

Professor lends expertise on how bias becomes bullying.

Two COE faculty members selected as 2018-2019 Service-Learning Fellows

Kevin Burke and Sonia Janis will participate in a yearlong Service-Learning Fellows program to integrate academic service-learning into their teaching.

Expert: Addressing school discipline disparities begins with reducing suspensions

Educators, policymakers discuss potential solutions at this year's annual State of Education conference.

Department head selected as an inaugural USG Chancellor's Learning Scholar

Rob Branch was recently selected to join the inaugural group of the University System of Georgia (USG) Chancellor's Learning Scholars to promote instructional designs and facilitate student-centered learning.

College of Education dean focuses on building collaborative community

Whether she's working with pre-service teachers or one of her six doctoral students, Dean Denise Spangler strives to inspire genuine curiosity in the way her students approach their teaching.
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