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Women's Studies director named University Professor

Juanita Johnson-Bailey has been named University Professor, an honor bestowed on faculty members who have made a significant impact on the University of Georgia beyond their normal academic responsibilities.

College is home to year's top UGA advisors

The annual award represents the top advisors across all of UGA—and both of the winners for 2017-2018 work with College of Education students.

Professor challenges 'Lean In' in wake of #MeToo movement

Laura Bierema was quoted by CNN Money on the book's message of women's workplace empowerment.

College career program benefits high school students

Kiara Plummer is one of nine Clarke County high school students who are benefiting from programs that provide part-time jobs and internships.

Georgia Children's Book Awards names 2018 winners

More than 30,000 children across the state took part in this year's vote.

2017-2018 College of Education Distinguished Alumni Awards honor six for their achievements

Six graduates of the University of Georgia's College of Education will be recognized for their career achievements and community leadership at the College's 13th annual Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner on April 6.

Dissertation award helps doctoral student focus on Russian verbal research

Thanks to a dissertation research award, Albina Khabibulina can dedicate her efforts to researching conceptually complex topics for those learning Russian.

New study examines link between school choice policies and gentrification

Households are far more likely to gentrify communities of color when school choice options expand, according to assistant professor Walker Swain.

Assistant professor co-authors study on misophonia; featured in top publications

In a new study, Logan Fiorella found that people who said they were sensitive to sounds had a harder time mastering and retaining information when they could hear a person chewing gum.

Alumna named to state director position

Dr. Eliza Belle (Ph.D. '09) was recently named director of psychology and behavior science for Alabama's Department of Mental Health.
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