A way to perk up your day with a jolt of exercise
The next time you head to the vending machine for a can of caffeinated soda, just keep on walking—that exercise will likely wake you up more than the drink.
Accentuate the positive
Katherine Raczynski draws from her extensive research in bullying prevention to work with schools and educational organizations across Georgia to improve school climates.
Blending research with civic engagement to teach literacy
By connecting children with the community, faculty inspire a new generation of researchers.
Concussion research: Getting ahead of the problem
Faculty members and their labs in the College of Education are taking an innovative approach to treating concussions, looking at ways to support students as they return to their daily schedules following a head injury.
Erasing the line between learning and play
What if a child's energy release can also help reinforce what's being learned in the classroom? An ongoing project explores this effect.
Giving a population its voice
Faculty and graduate students in the Department of Counseling and Human Development Services are reaching out to local immigrant and Spanish-speaking populations to help them get the counseling services they need.
Have solutions, will travel
Students in the College's special education program are branching out to assist with children and families across the state.
Lab explores the story behind the technology
RAIL ideas can start with a 'what if' question, and then the team weighs the impact of the solution. Other times, researchers blend new technologies with instruction to help teachers.
Love of technology by design
A Coca-Cola First Generation Scholar during her four years as an undergraduate at the University of Georgia, Enid Truong found her connection in the College of Education.
Professor emeritus, 74, shaped and defined field of student affairs
Roger B. Winston Jr., professor emeritus in the department of counseling and human development services, who contributed over more than 20 years in the field of student affairs, died on November 4, 2017, after a long battle with Parkinson's disease. He was 74.