Local middle-schoolers interpret art through hip-hop
If you visited the Georgia Museum of Art at the University of Georgia on a Tuesday afternoon this June, you might have heard someone rapping about women's empowerment.
Professor wins fellowship to study college access among rural black students
Darris Means, an assistant professor in the department of counseling and human development services, is one of 30 chosen as a 2017 National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow.
Problem solved: Faculty member helps Stroud students at international competition
Started by lecturer Meg Hines, the school's Community Problem Solving team investigated and created a rain garden to improve a watershed.
Program explores links between language and social justice
WIDA researcher visits College to see middle school program, share vision for organization.
Faculty member works to spread word about heat-related illness
Bud Cooper, clinical associate professor in the department of kinesiology, is one of several professionals behind The Heat Factor, a new website dedicated to sharing information about heat-related illness.
Presidential Scholars event highlights UGA connections
The first-ever awards program honors a College alumna, while a new partnership with UGA houses the Scholars' archive.
District honors College's research-based after-school program
The Physical Activity and Learning Program, or PALS, is among the recipients of the 2017 Impact Awards given by the school district.
Clinical assistant professor honored by international board
Petros Panaou recently received an award from the International Board on Books for Young People for a Greek science fiction manuscript he wrote last year.
Doctoral student receives 2017 NAACP Image Award
Jasmine Jenkins was recently honored by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for her commitment to social justice, diversity and equality in the Athens-Clark County community.
New grant uses abstraction as a guiding principle for learning
Science education assistant professor Daniel Capps receives $449,849 NSF grant to enhance how students and teachers can learn about the nature of scientific models.