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Graduate student wins Boren Fellowship, plans study in Haiti

Heading into her fourth year of a five-year doctoral program in counseling psychology, Elizabeth Louis recently learned she is the winner of the prestigious Boren Fellowship.

Faculty member recognized for contributions to gifted education

Meg Easom Hines, a lecturer in the department of educational psychology specializing in gifted and creative education, recently received the Mary Frasier Equity and Excellence Award from the Georgia Association for Gifted Children.

Robotics lessons developed at UGA find global audience

Tanzania students benefit from a partnership that connects researchers at the UGA College of Education, faculty and students at Handong University in South Korea and professionals with the socially conscious company E3Empower.

Russell Yeany, dean emeritus of the College of Education, 1941-2017

Russell Yeany, professor emeritus and former dean of the University of Georgia College of Education, died May 5 from kidney complications. He was 76.

Passion for education helps student sew new skills

Doctoral student Ashley Nylin enhances student teacher learning and community partnerships.

Graduate profile: 'This country has offered us so much'

Experiences as a newcomer to the United States help connect this future TESOL teacher to her students.

College of Education faculty and alumni honored at 2017 AERA meeting

Several alumni and faculty members were recently recognized by the American Educational Research Association for their significant contributions to the field of education.

Meet a #COEgreatgrad: Heather Higuera

Heather Higuera is graduating with a bachelor's degree in early childhood education.

Professor's summer residency will help improve literacy in Mexico

Misha Cahnmann-Taylor will use art, poetry and theater to engage community members in Guanajuato, Mexico in literacy education this summer.

'I always tried to focus on problems, not things' says Tom Reeves

Retired faculty spotlight: Former faculty member continues to pursue passions for educational access
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