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Exercise program helps seniors make connections

UGA-based study aims to educate while testing what motivates some to exercise

Recent graduates win Fulbright assistantships

Two recent College of Education graduates recently received Fulbright grants to teach English overseas.

Mativo among faculty honored for 'heartfelt commitment'

He is one of 3 UGA professors to receive Russell Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.

Three graduate students receive awards from international conference

Sophia Jeong, Eun Jeong (EJ) Kim and David Steele received travel awards from the National Association for Research in Science Teaching to attend the organization's upcoming conference.

A closer look: Immigration and education

Professor Pedro R. Portes from the University of Georgia College of Education argues that immigration has shaped U.S. education in profound ways.

Connecting the psychology of pain, fatigue and exercise

Alumnus returns to give next Lewis Lecture this month.

English education professor to serve on new research advisory panel

Peter Smagorinsky was recently invited to serve on the James S. McDonnell Foundation (JSMF) Advisory Panel for a new education research program.

Assistant professor selected as ACPA Emerging Scholar Designee

Darris Means was recently selected as an Emerging Scholar Designee by the American College Personnel Association to pursue research initiatives that align with the mission, interests and strategic goals of the organization.

Professor honored with 2017 Outstanding Alumna Award from alma mater

Linda Campbell was recently recognized as West Virginia University's 2017 Outstanding Alumna for her contributions to the field of counseling psychology.

Sport management faculty member named Research Fellow

A kinesiology researcher has been named a Fellow by the Sport and Recreation Law Association.
© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602