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Schools hosting College's exercise research get visit from Danish performance team

The National Danish Performance Team will perform in Athens as part of a 10-month world tour, stopping at 2 local schools along the way.

Alumna, Israeli scholar consults with faculty on joint research project

Fadia Nasser-Abu Alhija, the first Israeli Arab woman to be appointed an associate professor at an Israeli research university, evaluates student achievement and the structural validity of measures and tests.

A concussion may affect your driving even after symptoms disappear, study finds

Even though participants felt like they had recovered from their concussion, they were still likely to drive erratically while using a driving simulator.

Research project helps graduate student dive into community's needs

First-ever needs assessment of Latina/o community helps Ruben Atilano gain perspective on the people he may serve as a counselor.

Associate professor develops assessment tool

Laine Bradshaw's work is focused on developing and leveraging diagnostic psychometric methodology to design assessments that are both detailed and efficient.

Clarke County Mentor Program honors doctoral student

David Stanley, a second-year doctoral candidate in the counseling psychology program, hopes his presence at Clarke Middle School will help inspire the next generation of leaders.

Documentary series features College's partnership with school district

Hosted by legendary actor James Earl Jones, the series of mini-documentaries called "Behind the Scenes" highlights innovations and leaders in areas such as health, education, business, culture and the environment.

'Teaching is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling jobs'

College's First Honor Graduate achieves life-long goal of becoming a teacher.

New Year's resolutions won't stick if they aren't fun

A recent Paste magazine story featured professor Bryan McCullick's advice on building better habits, especially when it comes to exercise.

Stocking up for a storm goes beyond your pantry, researcher says

The last-minute stockpiling may be driven by childhood experiences or weather-related trauma.
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