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College's Williams among new class of Women's Leadership Fellows

The associate professor in the department of lifelong education, administration and policy, is one of nine admitted to the 2016-2017 cohort of the Women's Leadership Fellows program.

CLASE researcher named Service-Learning Fellow

Paula Mellom, associate director for the Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education, aims to develop a graduate-level course.

Counseling psychology professor honored as profession's 'elder'

The National Latina/o Psychological Association recognized Edward Delgado-Romero with the "Padrina/o Award," naming him one of the organization's elders.

Graduate student receives Child Caregiver of the Year award

Darius Phelps was honored by the Georgia Association on Young Children for his exemplary work with children and commitment to the field of education.

Day on campus teaches kids to be language leaders

Hall County students get an up-close look at Portuguese, Latin American plants, and a new way to frame classroom discussions.

Fields-Smith quoted in Christian Science Monitor

Classroom discussions about race are important, says the College of Education professor, but also need proper context.

Alumna honored by state's foreign language educators

A College of Education alumna has been honored for her contributions to foreign language education in Georgia.

Kinesiology academy honors 2 professors

The National Academy of Kinesiology has admitted Evans and McCullick as fellows.

Doctoral student receives scholarship from psychology association

Anna Goodbread will receive the annual Dr. Louise McBee scholarship from the Athens Area Psychological Association (AAPA) at the organization's legislative breakfast this December.

Doctoral student receives study abroad award from Dr Pepper

Shara Cherniak, a third-year doctoral student in the department of educational theory and practice, will participate in a faculty-led program in Ghana during the 2016-17 academic year.
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