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Exercise Psychology Lab

The Exercise Psychology Lab (2,500 square feet) is outfitted for research that focuses on the effects that physical activity have on mood, emotional responses and stress. Researchers also look at the effects exercise has on cardiovascular health.



  • Physiological recorders for assessing heart period, automated indirect blood pressures, respiration, and electrical potentials for skin, muscle, and brain
  • Electrically shielded test chambers that are sound-restricted, humidity/temperature controlled, and electrically shielded
  • Metabolic cart for resting and exercise metabolic measurement
  • Hardware and software for assessing isometric force
  • A computer-controlled device to record responses to thermal stimuli such as warm, painfully hot, cool, and painfully cold
  • Electromyography and electroencephalography


  • Stress physiology, perceived exertion and pain
  • Psychophysiological effects of acute and chronic exercise as they relate to mood (e.g., anxiety, depression, energy and fatigue), emotional responsiveness, and stress reactivity
  • Effects of somatosensory and acoustically evoked biopotentials
  • The role of baroreflex activity on changes in cardiovascular reactivity to cognitive and psychomotor stressors following exercise training

Contact Info

  • Phone: 706-542-4381
Ramsey Center Room 102 110 Carlton St. Athens, GA 30602
© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602