Exercise Psychology Lab
- Physiological recorders for assessing heart period, automated indirect blood pressures, respiration, and electrical potentials for skin, muscle, and brain
- Electrically shielded test chambers that are sound-restricted, humidity/temperature controlled, and electrically shielded
- Metabolic cart for resting and exercise metabolic measurement
- Hardware and software for assessing isometric force
- A computer-controlled device to record responses to thermal stimuli such as warm, painfully hot, cool, and painfully cold
- Electromyography and electroencephalography
- Stress physiology, perceived exertion and pain
- Psychophysiological effects of acute and chronic exercise as they relate to mood (e.g., anxiety, depression, energy and fatigue), emotional responsiveness, and stress reactivity
- Effects of somatosensory and acoustically evoked biopotentials
- The role of baroreflex activity on changes in cardiovascular reactivity to cognitive and psychomotor stressors following exercise training