NewGen Psychometrics and Data Science Analytics (NPDA) Lab
Welcome to NewGen Psychometrics and Data Science Analytics (NPDA) Lab at the University of Georgia! The aim of our research lab is to revolutionize education through the synergistic application of data science, machine learning, and psychometrics in the field of educational measurement. Our multidisciplinary team of researchers from psychometrics, statistics, and educational measurement is dedicated to advancing the understanding of student learning, assessment, and educational outcomes.
We strive to develop innovative methods, tools, and technologies that harness the power of data analytics and predictive modeling to inform evidence-based decision-making in education. By combining cutting-edge techniques from these fields, our research lab seeks to foster improved teaching and learning practices, enhance educational assessment, and ultimately, contribute to the advancement of education on a global scale.
Research Projects
Featured Projects
This project is funded by the National Science Foundation .
- We will develop a series of statistical estimation methods, theories, algorithms, and software aimed at accelerating the development of CAT and promoting its applications in personalized educational assessment and learning.
- The project will address a fundamental challenge in educational research: the lack of efficient statistical methods to cope with limited sample sizes and missing data, especially in low-stakes assessment settings.
This project is funded by the National Science Foundation.
- We propose to tailor the interactive, intelligent computer-based program with just-in-time feedback specifically for the needs of middle-grade preservice teachers.
- We will test whether the program increase preservice teachers’ CK and PCK of ratios and proportional reasoning as well as their teaching of these concepts.
- This project will provide a proof of concept for developing intelligent computerized programs that use AI technologies to interact with and provide just-in-time feedback for teachers that can be completed by anyone with access to the internet.
This project is funded by the National Science Foundation .
- We have developed Bayesian inference on attribute hierarchy for both static and dynamic CDM models.
- We aim to promote the use of CDMs in conjunction with attribute hierarchy to facilitate learning.
- We are in the process of exploring attribute hierarchy and cognitive process learning with multimodal data, such as response accuracy, response times, and eye-tracking data.
This project is funded by NSF-AERA
- The overall objective of this project is to analyze the recently released NCES restricted-used process, outcome, and survey data from the NAEP 2017 Grade 8 Mathematics Assessment. We plan to attain the overall objective by pursuing four research questions:
- How to analyze and interpret unstructured revision and review process data?
- Are there latent constructs (i.e. discrete classes or continuous traits) explaining examinees’ patterns of revision and review in large-scale, low-stakes computer-based math assessments?
- How do latent constructs for revision/review relate to other important cognitive and noncognitive traits, such as math proficiency and motivation, persistence, and pressure?
- How does revision/review behavior relate to demographic and instructional covariates (e.g., student race and ethnicity, disability status, and teacher and school characteristics)?
Faculty Member
Postdoctoral Research
Visiting Scholar
Ph.D. Students
Research Assistants
Collaborative Research Projects
This project is funded by the National Science Foundation.
- The Electric Circuit Concepts Diagnostic (ECCD) project team will create web-based electric circuit concept inventory that: (1.) provides an immediate and multi-purpose feedback system for reporting about students’ circuits and electricity prior knowledge; (2.) differentiates, with a high probability, between a lack of prior knowledge and misconceptions; and (3.) uses a scheme of multidimensional knowledge profiles to report on students’ prior knowledge and misconceptions.
- The project team will integrate the affordances of cognitive diagnostic modeling, multi-tier testing frameworks, and computer-assisted testing to realize these project objectives.
This R package can be used for fitting hidden Markov models of learning under the cognitive diagnosis framework. The estimation of the hidden Markov diagnostic classification model, the first order hidden Markov model, the reduced-reparametrized unified learning model, and the joint learning model for responses and response times