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Project PEACH

Psychologists Expanding Access to Comprehensive Healthcare

Project PEACH is funded by the Human Resources and Services Administration through the graduate psychology education program. The PEACH fellowship offers evidence-based training in the areas of behavioral health and integrated care to graduate student trainees in two nationally renowned doctoral-level behavioral health programs at the University of Georgia:

The project seeks to expand the behavioral health workforce based in primary care settings in high need and high demand areas throughout Northeast Georgia, to increase access to behavioral health services, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the program’s training of students in inter-professional services and behavioral health competency.

The Fellowship

The PEACH fellowship provides the opportunity for students in psychology doctoral training programs to receive didactic training experiences, supervision from licensed psychologists, and advanced practicum experiences in evidence-based interventions and integrative behavioral health-primary care services.

The fellowship offers a stipend to support practicum work in specified integrative healthcare settings. We have developed collaborative relationships with integrative healthcare sites throughout Northeast Georgia that welcome the opportunity to work with behavioral health service providers in training.

Fellowship commitments include:

  • Attending seminars relevant to training in integrated healthcare services
  • Enrollment in a health psychology course offering training in evidence-based approaches effective in addressing mental and behavioral health concerns
  • Completing assessments at the start and end of the fellowship year, as well as one-year post-graduation
  • Attendance at grand rounds case presentations, including making a presentation of one’s own clinical work

As part of our program, group supervision builds skills in case conceptualization, diagnosis, and treatment planning, while individual supervision builds skills through intensive focus on clinical cases. Grand rounds are held in December, mid-spring, and May of the fellowship cycle. The specific dates and times of grand rounds will be announced.

Contact Info

Jason Blizzard, project manager
© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602