Science Teacher Learning Lab
Julie A. Luft , the Athletic Association Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Education, directs the Secondary Science Teacher Education Research Lab. The research group focuses on the learning and instruction of secondary science teachers. Currently, Luft has three research projects underway, each of which focus on different areas associated with secondary science teacher education.
Graduate students play an important role in these projects by helping to design interventions and materials, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting their own associated work. Typically, there are weekly group meetings for various projects. Graduate students can complete research internships in these different programs or can ask about research funding (based on availability).
Video: Julie A. Luft: University of Georgia Distinguished Research Professor

Research Projects
SCAFFOLD (Science Coordinators Advancing a Framework For Outstanding Leadership Development)
This is a NSF-funded project that focuses on designing a personalized hybrid professional learning program for science district coordinators. The professional learning program’s focal points include: equitable teaching, curriculum alignment, professional learning programs, and capacity building. This project will track the impact of the intervention on the work of science district coordinators and their teachers throughout Georgia.
GEMS (Georgia Educators in Mathematics and Science)
This NSF project supports the preparation of secondary science and mathematics educators who will be working in high-need schools. Additionally, GEMS has a hybrid induction program that supports teachers in their first few years. This study will track the preparation and induction of newly hired UGA secondary mathematics and science teachers.
Studies of Newly Hired Secondary Science Teachers
This ongoing research group follows the development of newly hired secondary science teachers. Over the years, several studies have emerged from this group that have focused on out-of-field teaching, the instruction of newly hired science teachers in different countries, and supporting newly hired secondary science teachers. This vibrant group often intersects with other projects or programs at UGA and in the local schools.
Current Research Opportunities
There are limited opportunities for financial support on the above-mentioned research projects. At this time, we have no open funded positions. If you are interested in completing a research internship on any of these projects, please contact Julie Luft .Our Team
Previous Research Group Members
Kent State University
Brigham Young University
SCAFFOLD, GEMS, and Newly Hired Teachers
SCAFFOLD, GEMS, and Newly Hired Teachers
Selected Recent Publications
Luft, J.A., & Dubois, S. (Eds.) (2015). Newly hired teachers of science: A better beginning. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publications. (pp. 212)
Book Chapters
Luft, J.A., & Dubois, S. (2016). Effective pedagogies for the teaching of science. In K.S. Taber & B. Akpan (Eds.), Science education: An international comprehensive course companion (pp. 235-245). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Bang, E.J., & Luft, J.A. (2015). Practices and emerging identities of beginning science teachers in online and off line communities of practice: A longitudinal mixed methods study. In Avraamidou, L. (Ed.), Studying science teacher identity (pp. 261-294). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Luft, J.A., & Dubois, S.L. (2015). A better beginning: Supporting our newly hired science teachers. In J.A. Luft & S. Dubois (Eds.), Newly hired science teachers: A better beginning (pp. ix-xii). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Luft, J.A., et al. (2015). New directions for supporting newly hired science teachers. In J.A. Luft & S. Dubois (Eds.), Newly hired science teachers: A better beginning (pp. 197-204). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Nixon, R., & Luft, J.A. (2015). Teaching chemistry with a biology degree: Crosscutting concepts as boundary objects. In J.A. Luft & S. Dubois (Eds.), Newly hired science teachers: A better beginning (pp. 75-86). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Wong, S., Firestone, J., Lamb, R., & Luft, J.A. (2015). First-year secondary science teacher perceived support and retention in the classroom. In J.A. Luft & S. Dubois (Eds.), Newly hired science teachers: A better beginning (pp. 31-42). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Hill, K.A., & Luft, J.A. (2015). Exploring beginning science teachers content knowledge. In J.A. Luft & S. Dubois (Eds.), Newly hired science teachers: A better beginning (pp. 57-74). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Editor, Special Journal Issues
Hobbs, L., Porsch, R., & Luft, J.A. (Eds.) (tentative publication date, 2020). Special issue: Teaching out-of-field: Challenges and possibilities for teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education.
Luft, J.A., Hobbs. L., & Hanuscin, D. (Eds.) (tentative publication date, 2020). Special issue: The consequence and potential of teaching science out-of-field. Journal of Science Teacher Education.
Journal Articles – Peer-Reviewed
Navy, S., Nixon, R., Luft, J.A., & Jurkiewicz, M. (2020). Accessed or latent resources? Exploring new secondary science teachers’ networks of resources. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57, 184-208.
Nixon, R., Toerien, R., & Luft, J. (2019). Knowing more and better than their students: Characterizing secondary science teachers’ subject matter knowledge. School Science and Mathematics, 119(3), 150-160.
Luft, J.A., Whitworth, B., Berry, A., Navy, S. & Kind, V. (2019). Trajectories of science teacher learning: Charting the course for teachers, educators, researchers, and policy makers. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 30(1), 63-79.
Dubois, S., Luft, J., Toerien, R., & Hewson, P. (2018). Practices influenced by policy? An exploration of newly hired science teachers in South Africa and the United States. International Journal of Science Education, 40(8), 919-939.
Adams, K., & Luft, J.A. (2018). Beginning chemistry teachers’ depiction of chemistry content. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 13(1), 69-95.
Nixon, R., Hill, K., & Luft, J.A. (2017). Secondary science teachers’ subject matter knowledge across the first five years. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 28(7), 574-589.
Nixon, R., Luft, J.A., & Ross, R. (2017). Prevalence and predictors of out-of-field teaching in the first five years. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 54(9), 1197-1218.
Nixon, R.S., Campbell, B.K., & Luft, J.A. (2016). Development of new chemistry teachers’ subject matter knowledge with classroom experience. International Journal of Science Education, 38(10), 1636-1654.
Wong, S.S, & Luft, J.A. (2015). Exploring the beliefs of persisting secondary science teachers in general induction programs: A longitudinal mixed-methods study. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 26, 619-645.
Luft, J.A., Dubois, S., Nixon, R., & Campbell, B. (2015). Supporting newly hired teachers of science: Attaining professional teaching standards . Studies in Science Education, 51(1), 1-48.