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Financial Assistance

As you consider tuition, living expenses, and other financial needs, please take advantage of the many resources available through the UGA Office of Financial Aid . The Mary Frances Early College of Education offers assistantships, scholarships, grants, and other financial awards to students through various departments. You can also review additional funding sources .


To apply for merit-based scholarships, you must:

  • be currently enrolled in an approved undergraduate or graduate program in the Mary Frances Early College of Education scholarship (except for Sylvia McCoy Hutchinson scholarship).

To apply for need-based scholarships (marked with an asterisk *) you must:

  • be currently in an approved undergraduate or graduate program in the Mary Frances Early College of Education scholarship
  • be a U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen as defined by the UGA Office of Student Financial Aid (OFSA)
  • have completed a FAFSA for the current academic year
  • authorize the Mary Frances Early College of Education to contact OFSA about your financial need by signing your application


  • Application & Reference Request Opens: Monday, October 7th, 2024
  • Application & Reference Request Closes: Friday, February 7th, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. (No exceptions)
  • Reference Referral Closes: Friday February 14th, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. (No exceptions)
  • Decision Notification: June 2025
  • Funds will be Distributed: Beginning Fall 2025


  • Prior to filling out the application, review each scholarship description and criteria in detail and have your personal statement ready to cut and paste.
  • You will not be able to add information or additional scholarships to your application once it has been submitted.
  • The awards from every application cycle are applied/distributed in the following academic year.
  • Review and ensure you meet all additional criteria that are specific to each scholarship for which you intend to apply.
  • Scholarships that mention enrollment in a specific major as a condition of eligibility require that you be admitted to the major (not Intended) at the time of award.
  • Teacher education programs include:
    • Elementary Education
    • English Education
    • Health & Physical Education
    • Mathematics Education
    • Middle School/Grades Education
    • Science Education
    • Social Studies Education
    • Special Education
    • TESOL
    • Workforce Education
    • and World Language Education.

Please note which level of student (undergraduate, graduate, or both) is eligible for scholarships pertaining to teacher education.

Application Requirements

The application requires the following:

  1. A personal statement
  • Be direct and specific, using full sentences without excessive wordiness
  • Include information about yourself, your educational goals, and professional goals
  • Include information about your financial situation/needs and how an award will assist you in achieving your goals
  • Address specific information requested by each of the scholarships for which you are applying
  • For example: Several scholarships give preference to those planning to establish a career in the state of Georgia. If you do not include this in your statement, you will not be eligible for consideration for that particular scholarship.
  • Or: If the scholarship is for study abroad, please describe your plan and provide the total estimated cost as provided by the Office of Global Education or the program office
  • Length Limit: 3000 characters = ~500 words (the application will display a counter so you are aware of how many characters you have used)
  1. One required reference
  • This should be from someone who knows you in an academic or professional capacity. Please use the Scholarship Reference Request Form.

Apply for the Scholarships   Scholarship Reference Request Form

Scholarship Process FAQs

Available Scholarships

Updated September 2023


Amy Katherine Lee Student Ambassador Scholarship

  • Undergraduate level and student ambassador
  • Demonstrated financial need *
  • Applicants should possess leadership qualities and excel academically

Board of Visitors Scholarship

  • Undergraduate level
  • Demonstrated financial need *
  • Address your intent to establish a career in education in the personal statement
  • Where available, decision preference will be given to a non-teacher education candidate

Faye Daube Miller Scholarship

  • Undergraduate level
  • Minimum 3.00 GPA

Floyd & Emily Jordan Scholarship

  • Undergraduate level
  • Minimum 3.00 GPA

The Robinson Scholarship

  • Undergraduate level
  • Enrolled in a teacher education program
  • Address in the personal statement: your reliability, enthusiasm, and evidence of professional and service commitment for the promotion of specialization in the teaching field in the state of Georgia

Michael J. Hendrickson Scholarship

  • Undergraduate level and have earned at least 90 credit hours
  • Demonstrated financial need *
  • Address your work in the community in the personal statement
  • When possible, preference will be given to students who demonstrate peer leadership and a commitment to youth development through community engagement and/or youth ministry. If no such student is available in a given year, the scholarship is open to any undergraduate student in the College with demonstrated financial need *

Paul R. Kea Scholarship

  • Undergraduate students either freshman level or transfer students of junior standing or less (90 or fewer earned hours)
  • Demonstrated financial need *
  • Awarded to students with career goals of serving the children of Georgia as a teacher or administrator
  • Preference will be given to students from the following counties: Emmanuel, Johnson, Oglethorpe, Clarke, Laurens (both county and city systems), and Jefferson City Schools.
  • Requires the supporting document from the principal or superintendent to be attached within the application. Any application that does not have this documentation will not be considered for this award.

Sylvia McCoy Hutchinson Scholarship

  • Undergraduate level, enrolled part- or full-time
  • Demonstrated financial need *
  • With all other factors being equal, first priority in awarding is given to a non-faculty staff member or their child in the College of Education. Second priority is given to a non-faculty staff member or their child in another University of Georgia school, college, or department. Third priority is the public at large.


Martha Nell Allman Graduate Scholarship

  • Graduate level, Masters student seeking teacher certification
  • Demonstrated financial need *
  • Primary award consideration, in cases where all other factors are equal, will be given to applicants who plan to live and teach in the state of Georgia.

Morgareidge Scholarship Fund

  • Graduate students

Ruby Maude Anderson Scholarship

  • Graduate level
  • Must be enrolled in a teacher education program
  • Have taught five (5) or more years at the secondary level in the State of Georgia (be prepared to submit evidence where asked on application)
  • Preference will be accorded to candidates from Oconee and Clarke Counties
  • Address your intention to make a career in secondary education in the state of Georgia in the personal statement

Undergraduate and Graduate

COE Centennial Scholarship

  • Undergraduate and graduate level who have demonstrated outstanding academic performance
  • Demonstrated financial need *
  • Have at least two (2) semesters remaining in your degree program
  • Include evidence of leadership ability and professional interest in the personal statement

COE General Scholarship Fund

  • Undergraduate and Graduate Students

College of Education Scholarship

  • Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Del Jones Memorial Scholarship

  • Undergraduate and graduate students
  • Address in the personal statement: your reliability, enthusiasm, and evidence of professional and service commitment

Edwin Pusey Award

  • Undergraduate and graduate students majoring in Elementary Education and General Secondary Education (English Ed., Math Ed., Middle Grades Ed., Science Ed., Social Studies Ed., TESOL & World Language Education, CTAE Workforce Education)
  • Address this career goal in the personal statement

Flora Rogers Scholarship

  • Undergraduate and graduate students who have been admitted into a teacher education program
  • Demonstrated financial need *
  • Minimum 3.00 GPA
  • Address your intent to establish a career in public school education in the personal statement

George R. Gilmer Scholarship

  • Undergraduate and graduate students who have been admitted into a teacher education program
  • Minimum 3.00 GPA

Ira Aaron International Study Scholarship

  • Undergraduate and graduate students
  • Participating in a study abroad experience
  • In good academic standing (2.00 or higher cumulative GPA)
  • Address your plan to study abroad and how the international experience will enhance education in the personal statement
  • Ira Aaron Scholarship Application

James L. Dickerson Scholarship

  • Undergraduate and graduate students who are entering the student teaching semester
  • Demonstrated financial need *
  • GPA will be used in decision-making
  • Address your intent to establish a career in education in Georgia public schools in the personal statement

Jonathan Robert Scruggs Scholarship

  • Undergraduate students in a Secondary Education major of English Education, Mathematics Education, Science Education, Social Studies Education, or World Language Education AND Graduate students in the Community Counseling or Counseling Psychology programs
  • Minimum 3.5 GPA
  • After GPA, demonstrated financial need * will be considered.

Rachel Sibley Sutton Scholarship

  • Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Elementary or Middle School Education programs
  • Demonstrated financial need *
  • Earned at least 90 credit hours
  • Minimum 3.00 GPA (Undergraduates) or 3.50 (Graduates)
  • Address definite plans for a career in elementary or middle grades education (K-8) in the state of Georgia in the personal statement

Sallie Maude Jones Scholarship

  • Undergraduate and Graduate Students
  • Demonstrated financial need *
  • Intended career in public education in the state of Georgia

SNS-GSTC Scholarship

  • Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in a COE teacher preparation program or related field
  • Demonstrated financial need *
  • Earned at least 90 credit hours
  • Must be a Georgia resident
  • Address your intent to establish a career in education in the personal statement
  • Preference is given to students of non-traditional age and to descendants of alumni of the State Normal School-Georgia State Teachers College. Please also address these in the personal statement if applicable.
  • Minimum 3.00 GPA (Undergraduates) or 3.50 (Graduates)

Wells Fargo Scholars Program Scholarship

  • Undergraduate and graduate students from underserved populations (include but not limited to):
    • Members of an underrepresented minority or ethnic group
    • First-generation college students
    • Persons raised in a single-parent household
    • Persons whose first language is not English
    • Persons from an inner-city or rural location
  • Other groups may also qualify as underserved.
  • Demonstrated financial need *

William Gatlin Scholarship

  • Undergraduate transfer students enrolled in a COE program

Women Pioneers in Education Scholarship

  • Undergraduate and graduate students who have been admitted into a teacher education program
  • Minimum 3.50 GPA
  • Express your enthusiasm and show evidence of your leadership experience in research and development, and/or public service in the personal statement

Other Funding Sources

Graduate Assistantships

Working in an assistantship can greatly enhance your academic pursuits in ways beyond tuition remission. Many grad assistants enjoy greater access to faculty in their program than their peers, often assisting with research or performing administrative work that impacts the strategic position of the department.

For information about graduate assistantships, please consult with the graduate advising contact for your department.

Emergency funding: The Abigail Reddic Student Teaching Emergency FundThis fund can provide one-time financial assistance up to $2,000 to enrolled undergraduate students in a College educator preparation program during their student teaching semester. The assistance is designed to alleviate hardship related to unexpected housing expenses, car repairs, medical bills, death of a family member, natural disaster, or other unforeseen circumstances.
External Resources

These external websites offer an abundance of information about teacher scholarships.

Study Abroad ScholarshipsWant to take a trip but worried about how much it will cost? The university’s Office of International Education can point you to a number of different funding sources to help you along the way!
UGA Office of Financial AidThis university office provides resources and knowledge about all kinds of different strategies for offsetting the costs of attending college. Peruse their website for a wealth of information related to financial aid!

Contact Info

© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602