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Clifford Gray Lewis Financial Assistance Award

This fund is to assist students in the Kinesiology Department who have an immediate unplanned financial emergency and need financial assistance to continue their education.

At a Glance

  • Sponsor: Clifford Gray Lewis
  • Audience: Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students
  • Contact:
  • Financial Aid Type: Scholarship


Full-time undergraduate and graduate majors in the Department of Kinesiology in need of financial assistance to continue their education.

How to Apply

Applicants should email the following items to the Department of Kinesiology at :

  1. A formal letter of application summarizing the applicant’s financial situation and need
  2. A resume or vita
  3. A letter of recommendation from a faculty member in Kinesiology summarizing the student’s academic progress and need for financial support.
© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602