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Rea Scholarship Endowment for Speech Development

The Kevin D. and Lindsey C. Rea Scholarship Endowment for Speech Development was created in honor of their child.

At a Glance

  • Deadline: November 1
  • Audience: Undergraduate students
  • Financial aid type: Scholarship
  • Semesters: Spring


The purpose of the fund is to provide annual scholarship support for an undergraduate student(s) in the Department of Communication Sciences and Special Education in the Mary Frances Early College of Education. First preference shall be given to those who are in the Communication Sciences and Disorders program pursuing speech-language pathology with a focus on communication delays in early intervention and early childhood education settings. The dean of the Mary Frances Early College of Education will appoint a committee to determine the scholarship criteria and select the recipient(s).

How to Apply

This award is given out during the spring semester each year and may be applied to the student’s account for the spring semester. Applicants should complete the application process by following the link below. Applicants will be asked to submit a personal statement addressing their qualifications for the award with respect to the specified eligibility criteria and their future goals in communication sciences and disorders, unofficial transcripts highlighting GPA, evidence of current enrollment in the program at UGA, and a current resume by November 1.

This statement should be directed to:

Awards and Scholarships Committee Department of Communication Sciences and Special Education 570 Aderhold Hall University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602

Apply today

© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602