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Sharon Green Webber Scholarship

Ms. Sharon Green Webber is a UGA alumna and the owner of Super Duper Publications, Inc., a large and successful educational and therapy materials company. Her generosity to the UGA Speech and Hearing Clinic comes in many forms, including this scholarship, which was established in 1998. The Sharon Green Webber Scholarship is usually awarded as a one-time scholarship of approximately $1,000-$3,000 to one student per year.

At a Glance

  • Deadline: November 1st
  • Audience: Graduate Students
  • Financial Aid Type: Scholarship
  • Semesters: Fall


Currently enrolled master’s students studying speech-language pathology are eligible to apply for the Sharon Green Webber Scholarship.

How to Apply

All communication sciences and special education departmental scholarships are awarded in the Spring semester each year by a competitive application and review process to enrolled, continuing students for use in the following academic year. Application information will be circulated widely to all enrolled students every Fall semester.

Apply Today

About the Sponsor

The Sharon Green Webber Scholarship is supported by a University of Georgia Foundation endowment. Contributions to the endowment that supports this scholarship can be made through the University of Georgia Foundation , specifying that the gift should benefit the Sharon Green Webber Scholarship Endowment, Fund #7257700.
© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602